Call for papers
It is our pleasure to invite you to International Conference «Science, Technology and Information in Libraries (LIBWAY-2018)», organized by the State Public Scientific and Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPSTL SB RAS) and festive events devoted to its 100-year anniversary and 60th anniversary of joining the Siberian Branch.
Dates and venue
Dates: the conference will take place on September 12 – 15, 2018.
Venue: State Public Scientific and Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Voskhod str. 15.
- State Public Scientific and Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- State Public Scientific and Technological Library of Russia
- Presidental Library named after B. N. Yeltsin
- Government of the Novosibirsk Region
- Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library
- National Library Association «Libraries of the Future»
- Russian Library Association
- Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences, Belarus
- Central Scientific Library Gylym Ordasy, Kazakhstan
- Institute of Computation Technologies of SB RAS
- Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts
- Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts
- Scientific Electronic Library
- Novosibirsk Library Society
Program Committeeт
Andrey Guskov
Head of Committee, Ph.D., Director of SPSTL SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Elena Artemyeva
Head of the Research and Methodological Work Department, SPSTL SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Andrey Borodikhin
Ph.D., Head of Rare Books and Manuscripts Department, SPSTL SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Elena Dergachova-Skop
Ph.D., Professor, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Olga Einasto
Ph.D., Head of Library Services, University of Tartu Library, Estonia
Natalia Gendina
Ph.D., Professor, Director of Reseacrh Institute of Information Technologies in Social Sphere, Kemerovo State Arts And Culture University, Kemerovo, Russia
Victor Glukhov
Ph.D., Deputy Director of «Scientific Electronic Library Ltd.», Moscow, Russia
Alexander Grusha
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of Central Scientific Library of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
Olaf Hamann
Head of Eastern Europe Departement of Berliner Staatsbibliothek, Berlin, Germany
Marina Kolesnikova
Ph.D., Professor, Saint Petersburg State Arts and Culture University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Denis Kosyakov
Deputy Director of Information Tecnologies, SPSTL SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Norbert Kunz
PhD, Deputy Head of the Department of Eastern Europe of Bavarian State Library, Munich, Germany
Olga Lavrik
Ph.D., Professor, Deputy Director of Research Work, SPSTL SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Irina Lizunova
Ph.D., Leading Researcher, SPSTL SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Elena Lindeman
Ph.D., Deputy Director, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Sergey Lyutov
Ph.D., Professor, Head of Bibliology Laboratory, SPSTL SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Nikolay Mazov
Ph.D., Head of Information and Analytical Center, Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia
Krystyna Matusiak
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Library and Information Science Program, Research Methods and Information Science Department, Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, USA
David Nicholas
Professor, Head of the Research Center "CIBER researh Ltd.", Newbury, UK
Elena Pavlovska
Ph.D., Professor, Library Science and Cultural Heritage Department, University of Library Science and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria
Alexander Plemnek
Head of Information and Library Complex, Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Alexander Posadskov
Ph.D., Chief Researcher, SPSTL SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Natalia Redkina
Ph.D., Deputy Director of Research Work, SPSTL SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Alexander Samarin
Ph.D., Deputy Director, Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia
Shushanik Sargsyan
Ph.D., Head of Scientific Information Analysis and Monitoring Center, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
Yakov Shraiberg
Ph.D., General Director, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Elena Zhabko
Ph.D., Director of Information Resources, Presidential Library, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The main topics of the conference
Book heritage in the modern world: preservation and study
documentation heritage, the book culture of the Russian middle ages; archaeology of book monuments; literary and book heritage of the old believers; the practice of storing and using literary monuments in digital libraries; availability of documents in digital format; modern technologies for fund preservation.
Library in a changing communication environment
library as a means to develop social and intellectual abilities of a person, “digital” citizen in a library; library functions within a new axiological paradigm, new thinking and new structures in libraries, regional scientific schools in library and book sciences, scientific information flow: digital and printed models of its development; research support: new tendencies in libraries; information behavior of users; personnel potential of a research libraries; new library professions: an embedded librarian, a data-librarian, a resource expert, an animator-librarian).
Book culture and modern information challenges
modern approaches to book culture studying; book culture adaptation to a changing communicative environment; forming a book reading infrastructure; traditional and electronic book: views of publishers, book sellers, readers; trends in the development of scientific publishing and their impact on forming and use of research libraries funds; book and media communications..
Service-oriented technologies in research libraries
modern trends in library information technologies; automation of library processes; web-analytics tools to analyze the effectiveness of library information resources; library marketing; technological basis for developing library services; cloud technologies in library practice.
Scientometric studies
scientometric indicators and methods of science performance evaluation; scientometric databases and analytical tools; science and technology development forecasting; citation analysis; patent analysis; altmetrics; webometrics; science policies; scientometric studies of countries, regions, disciplines and journals, scholarly communications.
Repositories and open science
development trends, methods and practices of instantiation and maintaining of open repositories and archives of scholarly papers; influence on visibility of research results; open research data infrastructure; tools and methods of management, retention and dissemination; open science national and international initiatives.
Associated events
- Round table for managers of scientific libraries.
- Round table for editors of scientific journals on the topic "Traditional and electronic scientific communication". It will be held together with the Association of research editors and publishers, the «Nauka» Publishing house and the Publishing House of SB RAS.
- Scientific and practical seminar (videoconference) "Library in the knowledge environment" with the Presidential library named after B. N. Yeltsin (St.-Petersburg).
- Scientific and practical seminar "Young librarians – a special category", which will discuss issues on adaptation of young specialists to the peculiarities of information and library activities and projects of young employees will be presented.
- Master class "Interactive library space".
- Master class "Dealer-librarian – а new profession".
International Festival “Book Siberia” will be held simultaneously organized jointly with Novosibirsk Regional Scientific Library and Novosibirsk Library Society with support from Ministry of Culture of the Novosibirsk Region.
Conference Proceedings
Abstracts and papers will be peer reviewed. The conference proceedings will be published in "Proceedings of the SPSTL SB RAS". It is planned to publish the selected papers in the proceedings with Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science series (final approval pending).
Important dates
June 30, 2018 | Online registration and abstract submission. The submitted abstract should be not less than 500 words. |
July 31, 2018 | Acceptance notification. |
August 30, 2018 | Online registration of participants without reports. |
October 31, 2018 | Full papers submission. The requested minimum length of a paper should be 12-15 pages of approx. 400 English words per page. |
Conference registration
Participants should register and submit their abstracts online on the conference website. Conference registration fee is 3000 Rubles. Registration fee must be made by cash at the registration desk.
Full registration includes the following:
- Attendee information package, name tag and program
- Access to all conference events
- Accepted paper publication in Conference Proceedings
- Excursions
- Coffee/tea breaks and other organizational costs